Sunday, June 04, 2017

What is prokaryote cell?

Classification of prokaryotes has long been based on the same hierarchical systems on which Linnaeus based his nomenclatural system applied initially to plants and animals. Most of the earth’s prokaryotes are found in the open ocean and in soil.

Prokaryotes are believed it be abundant in environment where eukaryotic organisms are absent or very rare, which they subsurface (e.g. below 8 m for the terrestrial environment and below 1 cm for ocean sediment).
Prokaryotic cell
Bacteria are very small organisms, typically consisting of one cell. Prokaryotic cell does not contain a membrane-bound nucleus. In eukaryotic cells, such as those of plants and animals, the nucleus controls the cell functions and contains its genes.

Each prokaryotic cell is surrounded by a plasma membrane. The cell has no subcellualr organelles, only infoldings of the plasma membrane called mesosomes.

Prokaryotes lack diagnostic morphological characteristics and are asexual organisms that exchange genetic material in unique and unusual ways compared to eukaryotes.
What is prokaryote cell?

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